How are you feeling today? Did you sleep well last night? How is the chair you are sitting in, are the cushions okay? Do you need to adjust the air conditioning or heating? Comfortable now? Good, let's begin! We like our comfort in the modern world, we spend large amounts of money to make sure we are comfortable, not just physically, but emotionally and even intellectually. In some places we pass laws or make rules against the use of words which make some people uncomfortable including words relating to bodily functions and personal appearance (waste processing, procreation, excess body weight - I need to be careful here - I wouldn't want anyone to become uncomfortable). In the USA and possibly other places, we sometimes make rules in children's sports so that nobody loses, after all we wouldn't want the losers (sorry, members of the less skilled team) to be uncomfortable.
Perhaps you have heard the following quote or some variation on it:
- What does not kill me, makes me stronger.
For those who don't understand this (and there seem to be quite a few who have problems understanding it), it is simply an elegant way of saying that the difficulties in life all make you stronger / tougher and this applies in every way, physically, mentally and emotionally. Hard physical labor, enduring pain (physical or emotional), even starvation which might make you physically weaker, toughens the mind and body, making you better prepared for future starvation. All of these things and many others strengthen you in one way or another, unless of course it kills you (you wouldn't be very strong at that point). We used to say that these things "build character" (though my friends would probably tell you that I'm already too much of a character :-)
Now consider this rewrite which I came up with (according to Google so did many others, and probably even more before Google was invented - guess I can't be original all the time):
What does not make you stronger, kills you.
This phrasing works too. Anything about your life which isn't making you stronger / tougher, probably is making you weaker or ultimately, killing you. Good examples of this: junk food, no exercise, not learning new things, etc.
I live what most would view as a very uncomfortable life. My bed at home is a sheet of plywood without a mattress, my house currently has no heating or cooling with interior temperatures ranging from 37 to 90 deg. F (3 to 32 deg. C), and while I own a very old car, I rarely use it, often walking or biking to get places. When I am not at home (which is a great deal of my life these days) I live out of a backpack, often sleep on the ground or the floor in the homes of people I visit, though guest beds are also common. When traveling in cities where I don't know anyone, I stay in hostels, typically dorms with up to nine other people in them, coming and going at all hours of the day and night, often exposing me to whatever germs are currently active in their home country. I often work long hours of hard physical labor (building houses out of earth), hike up to 20 miles with a full pack in temperatures ranging from 20 to 110 deg. F (-6 to 45 deg. C). While some of this is just for fun, much of the discomfort in my life is not so much planned as a consequence of decisions I made where I decided I could tolerate the uncomfortable aspects for a while in order to achieve a goal. Ultimately, after the reason for tolerating the discomfort had gone away, I found that I had no need to change anything since I had gotten used to it and was no longer uncomfortable. This is specifically true of my "sheet of plywood" bed and my unheated house. Of course exercise is also uncomfortable and I do it with some regularity these days. When I was a child, I was a bit fat and smart so I got picked on and made fun of as well, which was certainly uncomfortable. Currently, I am sitting in China learning Mandarin (often 8 hours/day or more) and intellectually, this is probably the most difficult thing I have ever done.
What are some of the consequences of all this discomfort?
Of course you may prefer to be comfortable rather than doing the things I have done, but what are the consequences of comfort?
Living your softer, more comfortable life, are you actually more comfortable than I am? When you are in your tightly controlled environment, you probably are, but what about when you go outside and have to face the temperature in the real world? How about when you sleep in a hotel, camp out or stay at a friends house? What if you need to lift something heavy or solve a difficult problem? If you encounter emotionally difficult situations, insults, or obnoxious people in your life how well do you handle it? The point here is that all the comfort in your life makes you softer, weaker, and less able to deal with the world around you in every regard. The question ultimately is: are you going to be extremely comfortable in the cocoon you have created in your house / car / office / life, or are you going to suffer a little discomfort so you can be moderately comfortable everywhere and relatively immune to power failure, social unrest, natural disasters, financial issues and other problems, any of which could destroy your comfortable cocoon at any time?
Why don't you join me in living an uncomfortable life?
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